I’ve been keeping a secret!
Guess what! Turns out, I’m a detective! I’ve been following the “Spill the Beans” stuff going on with those Ever After Mysteries and Marji Laine’s release of A Giant Murder, and it’s been bugging me. Especially since Chautona’s post seemed to have so many odd phrases in it. For example, I couldn’t figure out why she mentioned 1940s red lipstick. Can you imagine her wearing that?
Chautona? Why would she have it with her if she didn’t wear it?
Then I realized that of course, it was just illustrating a point, and it doesn’t have to be literal. But it got me thinking, and so since she seemed closest to spilling the beans, I decided to take up a new hobby.
Computer hacking.
Let’s just say this isn’t for the faint of heart. It needs all kinds of snacks, cats looking disdainfully at your pathetic efforts, and a bout of insomnia doesn’t hurt either.
But I did it. LOOK what I found on Chautona’s computer!
She kind of spilled the beans… just opened the can and knocked a few out, you might say.
But I’m spilling everything.
SO excited about Robin Hood! Thanks for taking one for the team, so to speak. Do you need a broom? A mop? A firewall? No, wait… I need the firewall…
Great marketing – “Who spilled the beans!” These all look great! I am jealous! I want to be assigned a fairy tale to retell – ha ha! Can’t wait to see what these authors come up with!
Did someone say (coffee) beans? Been wondering about all those “beans” posts by Ms Havig